2023 Conference Materials

Please take a few minutes to fill out the 2023 Power Up! Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/interhabpowerup2023

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Download your balloon backdrop photos here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/qnbygihlkxrhkna4pth62/h?rlkey=m1ihyuntf1z24zu88w7fepbor&dl=0

Download your 360 photo booth video here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MxHGbD2HIrWR2s1_oNylOyZRa8BZMyh8?fbclid=IwAR3vIVjhwdusPnfmVgmbjznzx5aFHo0Vv1RPrjn6mT-LIs7j1vtQ3wfCbio

Conference photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=interhabinc&set=a.722146149941486

Click here for the 2023 Conference Booklet

Pre-Conference Materials: What’s Your EQ: The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Wednesday Materials

Breakout Sessions 3 – 4:15 p.m.
GoodLife Delivered: Solutions to Stabilize Your Workforce

The DSP+ Apprenticeship: Professionalizing the DSP Career – DSNWK Materials
Resources to sign up: https://interhab.org/dsp-information-page/

Dementia-Related Behavior and the 4 Golden Rules – Slides

Four-Course Living: Nutrition, Safety, Planning, Prep – Essential Ingredients in the Recipe to Achieve Independence and Healthy Living – Slides

HIPAA Haiku: Helping you Navigate HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules – Slides

Thursday Materials

Breakout Sessions 10:15 – 11:30 a.m.
The START Model Overview – Slides

Sexual and Domestic Violence: Understanding the Basics – Slides

DSP Recruiting Strategies & Motivations: How to Attract and Keep the Staff You Want – Slides

Waiver Renewal & Community Support Waiver Update

Empowering Possibilities: Exploring Cutting-Edge Enabling Technologies in the IDD Landscape

Breakout Sessions 1:15 – 2:30 p.m.
Bridging the Gap: Strategies for Integrated and Informed Emergency Response and Mental Health Evaluation for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disability and Mental Health Needs – Slides

Supporting People with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities to Have Safe and Healthy Relationships – Slides

Shared Living – Living your Best Life

Promoting Informed Choice Through “The Three E’s” – Slides

Changing Your Organization’s Mindset on Services Through Remote Supports Technology – Slides

Breakout Sessions 2:45 – 4 p.m.
Kansas Rehabilitation Services Panel – No slides for this panel discussion.

Sequential Intercept Model Mapping Report on Justice – Involved Persons with ICCoD – Slides

Wellness Programs That Help Employees Bring Their Best Self to Work – Slides

The Programs and Impacts of Special Olympics Beyond Sports – Slides

Hiring Process Simplified and Automated (replaces the below session who had to cancel last minute)
Presented by Todd Sutcliffe, National Screening Bureau

The challenge of complying with States, Grants, and Auditors’ requirements while efficiently hiring can be daunting. Our presentation demonstrates streamlining the hiring process, automating the collection of essential documents, and ensuring that all forms and searches, including standard searches such as Adult and Child Abuse, KDADS, KBI, Fingerprinting, etc., as well as any custom searches based on your needs are completed, organized, and easily accessible for audits.

We’ll also share insights into the strategies we’ve successfully implemented for some clients within this association.

CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS, but recording is linked below: The Wrap-Around Impact of Revenue Cycle Management on the IDD Services Agency Mission – Slides
Recording: https://hello.chorus.ai/listen?guid=22a66b2ad266416d8d7739d21b6fd83e

Breakout Sessions 4:15 – 5:30 p.m.
From Person-Centered Thinking to Person-Centered Practices – Slides

Autism Spectrum Disorder for Direct Support Professionals – Slides

Working with The KanCare Ombudsman Office to Answer Medicaid Questions, Solve Problems, and Locate Resources – Slides

ABLE Accounts and Special Needs Trusts: Financial Tools to Enhance Quality of Life – Slides

What Happens in the Mouth Doesn’t Stay in the Mouth: Achieving Good Oral and Overall Health for people with Disabilities – Slides


Virtual Session Materials

Click here for the virtual session listing with full descriptions!

Accreditation Matters: The Benefits of CARF Accreditation
Passcode: f6?.tybD

Addressing Trauma in Individuals with IDD

Cannabis: Where Are We Now? A Closer Look at Science & Regulation
Jennifer Triemstra PharmD/PhD, Jazz Pharmaceuticals
Live Event! Zoom – Monday, October 23, 10 – 11 a.m.


Colorado’s Employment First Journey and Phasing Out of Subminimum Wage
Passcode: 0.07PCO6

Dealing with Mental Emergencies
Passcode: $UHP?=@7

Health Issues in IDD

How Natural Language Processing Can Be Applied to Dual Diagnoses
Passcode: 9nVU@M&6

Introduction to findhelp
Passcode: e8^ECwDy

Making Their Days Happen: Paid Personal Assistance Services Supporting People with Disability Living in Their Homes and Communities
Passcode: his!4gD+

Mentorship in a Minute: Strategies to Improve Virtual Learning and Communication
Passcode: qfjME65+

National and State Trends and Opportunities

Sensory Processing: What it is and How Being Aware of it can Make you a Better Support Professional
Passcode: h%Z2b=N6

Succession and Strategic Workforce Planning: 5 Steps to Ensuring Leadership Continuity
Was a Live Event!

Technology for Independent Living: The Person-Centered Process from Technology Exploration to Implementation
Passcode: Z?2pfv3#

The Improvaneer Method: Using Improvisation to Increase Opportunities!

Unlocking the Power of Self-Direction
Passcode: vV6E?6LX

What Does an Autism Evaluation Look Like?

What to Know about Transition Planning for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities
Passcode: WL.rx3@S

Workers’ Compensation Affects Our Safety Program
Passcode: 7.vHB83n

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