About the Course:
“All action results from thought, so it is thoughts that matter.” – Sai Baba
Our beliefs can place us in the best possible position for success, or our beliefs can keep us stuck in despair and frustration…doomed to spin in the same problems forever. There are 10 commonly held beliefs in the developmental disability system that leave us churning in the muck of our current problems with no end in sight. To achieve success, we must replace our limiting mindset myths with a new set of ideas and beliefs that align with our desired outcome of providing high quality innovative services and support those we serve to create the robust lives they choose to live.
About the Presenter:
Sara Sherman, Sara Sherman Internataional, LLC – Sara has been organizing people and work for decades. Her intuitive business sense is on target, and she gets to the root of agency issues quickly. She excels at assessing workflows, streamlining communication, defining outcomes, solving the right problems, and developing the plans needed to reach agency goals. Her targeted trainings clear away confusion and leave participants with field-specific, easy-to-implement actions steps that ensure success for individuals, staff, and agencies. Sara has served individuals with disabilities and other vulnerable populations in the areas of residential services, community employment, case management, housing, program management, investigations, services and supports, vocational rehabilitation, state policy development, compliance audits, and more; working with service provides in more than twenty states. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and a master’s in Public Administration.
The link for live courses is shared with those members who have registered for the 2025 Virtual Training Package and cannot be accessed from the main website. The 2025 InterHab Virtual Training Package features 2-3 live courses per month from January to September. These training sessions will be recorded and available to those registered. Organizations benefit from one low cost, and unlimited attendance at each session. To learn more or register now, click here.