Join us at Advocacy Day 2025.

Advocacy Day is an annual event for attendees to call on the legislature to enact laws and policies that will improve and sustain services provided to Kansans with developmental disabilities – services necessary for them to live independent and inclusive lives in their home communities. Hundreds of Kansans with IDD, their friends and family, and advocates from across the state gather each year at the Kansas State Capitol. Learn more about our 2025 Advocacy Platform here:

Advocacy Day will take place on Monday, March 10, 2025.

Other information:

Register: Participation is limited to InterHab member organization and their registered guests. We encourage you to connect locally with your provider to participate in grassroots advocacy efforts.

Find your legislator: Visit to find your legislator. We encourage you to send emails, call, and write your legislators, even if you cannot attend in person!

Meet with your legislator: If you are unable to set up meetings, please connect with Meghan at and she will help you schedule meetings with your local legislators.

Materials for your legislator: InterHab will provide materials for you to use when contacting your legislator. If you cannot attend, we still encourage you to reach out via email, phone call, or by mail. You can print and use the attached postcards and bring them on March 10.

Share information from your meetings: Use the Survey Monkey to share information about meetings you had with your legislators:

Livestream: We will livestream the Advocacy Day program on Facebook: Keep in mind we do not have full control over the sound system and Wi-Fi, but will do our best to allow those who cannot make it to tune in virtually. 

Parking: Passengers may be dropped off in the circle drive in front of the Capitol Visitor Center (north side) or in the reserved parking spaces on the east side of the Capitol on Jackson Street between 9th & 10th Street.

Parking is available in the Crosby Place parking garage, located at 108 SW 8th. (located between Kansas Ave & Jackson Street on the north side of 8th Street). The cost is $1 per hour. Parking is also available at the Centre City parking garage, located at 825 S. Kansas (located on the north side of 9th Street).  The cost is $1 an hour.

Due to the construction at the Judicial Center, oversized vans or buses will need to park at the Stormont Vail Event Center, 1 Expocentre Drive.

T-Shirts: The online store is closed. We will be using the same shirt design as last year to help save costs. If you would like to print locally, email and she can email the logo.

Boxed Lunches: Lunches are available to order via the registration form.

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